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Home Loan Calculator

Loan Amount
Interest Rate (p.a.)
Period (years)
Loan Amount
Total Amount


Let's dive into the world of real estate with our Home Loan Calculator or Mortgage Calculator. Our calculator will help you determine the monthly payments on a loan and the total amount you'll pay over the life of the loan. With our calculator, you'll be able to see the impact of different down payments, interest rates, and loan terms on your monthly payment.

Here's how it works

  • Input the loan amount you're looking to borrow
  • Input the interest rate on the loan
  • Input the loan term in years
  • Input the down payment amount
  • Hit the calculate button And just like that, you'll have an estimate of your monthly payment and total amount paid on the loan. But don't stop there, play around with the numbers to see how different scenarios affect your monthly payment.

But wait, there's more! Our calculator also includes the option to add in property tax and insurance estimates to give you a more accurate picture of your monthly payments.

But before you start dreaming about that new home, let's talk about the pros and cons of taking out a home loan.


  • Tax benefits: The interest paid on a home loan is eligible for tax deductions
  • Forced savings: A home loan forces you to save and invest in a property
  • Asset appreciation: Real estate has the potential for appreciation in value over time
  • Owning a home: The pride and emotional attachment of owning your own home


  • High interest rates: Interest rates on home loans can be higher than other types of loans
  • Long-term commitment: A home loan is a long-term commitment, usually 15-30 years
  • Risk of foreclosure: If you can't make your payments, you risk losing your home
  • Tying up funds: A home loan ties up a large portion of your savings, limiting your ability to invest in other opportunities


  • Renting: While buying a home is a long-term investment, renting can be a more flexible option. Renters have the freedom to move to a new location without the burden of selling a property.
  • Shared Equity: A shared equity program allows a buyer to purchase a home with a reduced down payment by sharing the ownership of the property with a government agency or non-profit organization.
  • Lease-to-Own: A lease-to-own agreement allows renters to live in a home while saving money for a down payment.


The formula used to calculate the EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) for a home loan is:

EMI = P x r x (1+r)^n/((1+r)^n-1)

Where, P = Principal loan amount r = Rate of interest n = Tenure of the loan (in months)

Tax Benefits

  • Tax Deduction on Principal Repayment: Taxpayers can claim a deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakhs per annum under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act for repayment of the principal amount of the home loan.
  • Tax Deduction on Interest Repayment: Taxpayers can claim a deduction of up to Rs 2 lakhs per annum under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act for repayment of the interest on the home loan.

Interest Rates for Home Loans

Typically, home loans are provided on floating interest rates. The fixed interest home loans may cost you more. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently mandated the financial institutions to link their lending rate to external benchmark and not the internal rate. Earlier, banks used to vary rates based on MCLR or Marginal Cost of Lending Rate. Now, banks use benchmarks like Repo Rate, 91 days Treasury bill and 182 days Treasury bill. You may be charged a margin on top of these benchmark rates which is likely to remain fixed during the duration of the loan.


Home Loans are important decisions for individuals and also one of the biggest liabilities for most households. Thus, it is important to understand your financial outlook, ability to meet EMI payments, product construct, etc. before embarking on home loan.


  • Use the slider for selecting the required amount (Principal).
  • Move the slider and select the interest rate
  • Select the tenure in years using slider
  • Recalculate your payable amount anytime by changing the input sliders
  • Amount to be paid will be calculated instantaneously when you move the sliders.