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Business Loan Calculator

Borrowed Amount (Prinicipal)
Interest Rate (annual)
Period (years)
Borrowed Amount (Prinicipal)
Total Amount


Welcome to Dhanaay's Business Loan Calculator, the ultimate tool for small business owners looking to take their company to the next level. Whether you're looking to expand your operations, purchase new equipment, or invest in marketing and growth, a business loan can be a great way to get the funding you need. But with so many options and variables to consider, it can be hard to know how much you'll need to borrow and what your monthly payments will be. That's where our calculator comes in. With just a few simple inputs, you can get an instant estimate of your loan's EMI and total amount payable.

How it works

Using our Business Loan Calculator is easy. Simply enter the loan amount you're looking to borrow, the interest rate, and the loan tenure. The calculator will then use this information to calculate your estimated EMI and total amount payable. You can also enter a down payment amount to see how it will affect your EMI and total amount payable.


The Business Loan Calculator uses the following formula to calculate your EMI:

E = P x r x (1+r)^n / ((1+r)^n-1)

where E is the EMI, P is the loan amount, r is the interest rate per month, and n is the loan tenure in months.

To calculate the total amount payable, we add the EMI and interest to the loan amount.

Pros and Cons

Taking a business loan can be a great way to get the funding you need to take your company to the next level. Some of the advantages of a business loan include:

  • Access to large sums of money: Business loans can provide you with the capital you need to invest in your business and grow it.
  • Flexibility: Business loans can be used for a variety of purposes, from purchasing new equipment to expanding your operations.
  • Tax benefits: Interest paid on a business loan may be tax-deductible.

However, there are also some downsides to consider:

  • Interest rates: Business loans typically come with higher interest rates than other forms of financing.
  • Repayment terms: Business loans usually have strict repayment terms and failure to repay on time can result in penalties.
  • Collateral: Some business loans require collateral, such as a property or equipment, which can put your assets at risk.


  • Personal Loans: Personal loans can be a good option for small business owners who are just starting out or have limited credit history. However, the interest rates on personal loans are usually higher than business loans and the amount of money you can borrow is usually less.
  • Credit Cards: Credit cards can be a good option for small purchases or emergencies. However, the interest rates on credit cards are usually higher than business loans and the credit limit is usually less.
  • Invoice Financing: Invoice financing allows you to borrow money against your outstanding invoices. This can be a good option for businesses that have a lot of outstanding invoices. However, the interest rates on invoice financing are usually higher than business loans and the amount of money you can borrow is usually less.
  • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding can be a good option for businesses that have a unique or innovative product or service. However, it can be difficult to raise a lot of money through crowdfunding and the costs of running a crowdfunding campaign can be high.
  • Venture Capital: If your organisation is a high growth and early stage company, you can also tap the venture capital. While it is a form of equity, it can nevertheless meet your business needs by also better tying up with the period in which the returns could be realised.


A business loan can be a great option for businesses that need to borrow money to grow or cover unexpected expenses. However, it's important to understand the pros and cons of business loans and to compare different options before applying for a loan.


  • Use the slider for selecting the required amount (Principal).
  • Move the slider and select the interest rate
  • Select the tenure in years using slider
  • Recalculate your payable amount anytime by changing the input sliders
  • Amount to be paid will be calculated instantaneously when you move the sliders.