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Refund & Cancellation

Updated on 2022-05-07T08:42:00.232Z

We aim to provide complete client satisfaction. If you are unhappy with the services given, we will return your money if the reasons are real and can be proven following an inquiry. Before using the services, please read the fine print of each deal. Clients can discontinue their services and obtain a refund if they are dissatisfied with our services. Our cancellation and refund policy will be as follows:

Refund policy

When a payment is made to Dhnaay, the fees received in advance are held in a client account. When we work on a client's problem, it will receive money. Depending on certain milestones, Dhanaay gets a fee at different rates and intervals during an engagement (e.g., providing client portal access, assigning a relationship manager, obtaining GST Registration, filing returns, etc.). Because the resources and person-hours invested in providing the service are non-returnable, a refund for the earned fee is impossible. Furthermore, any money paid to government bodies, such as filing fees, registration fees, taxes, or other third parties involved in your purchase, cannot be refunded or credited. In any case, Dhanaay is exclusively responsible for repaying the amount paid by the customer.

Dhanaay shall be obliged to provide a refund if the following conditions are met: If the order was canceled within 24 hours of payment and no execution from our end had begun, as per our cancellation policy.

Dhanaay is unable to provide the promised services. Dhanaay will not handle refunds in the following instances because it devotes its labor, time, resources, and technology to meet the client's needs–

  • Any discounts or promotional offers gained as part of any discount or promotional campaign
  • The execution phase has begun.
  • MCA, government bodies, and authorities delays, explanations, and re-submissions
  • Documents are not available from the client's end.
  • Towards any of the bundled/customized package's component(s)
  • In the event of a disaster, such as an earthquake, a fire, a flood, or a pandemic
  • The client's business intentions have changed, and he has decided not to use the chosen services.
  • Payments made directly by you to any third parties, such as affiliates, vendors, or employees

This is not an exhaustive list; the Feedback Manager will investigate the situation and decide.

Cancellation Policy

Our first concern is customer happiness. If we fail to offer services despite the client has paid for the service, the customer must notify us within 24 hours of the Service Delivery Time. We shall not be liable to cancel the service if the consumer changes their mind about the services purchased. If a consumer requests that the service be delayed, we will keep the fees paid to the department in question.

We retain the right to make every effort to complete the service before issuing any refund. If you are dissatisfied with the service, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 20% plus any earned fees paid to the government or a third party. Cancellations will only be considered if they are made within 24 hours of placing the order. We shall levy Gateway Charges in such circumstances. However, if the orders have been transmitted to us and the procedure has begun, the cancellation request will be denied.