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Seller Registration Guide - Zomato

Learn how to register as a seller on Zomato in India with this comprehensive guide.

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If you're a restaurant owner in India looking to expand your business and reach more customers, registering as a seller on Zomato can be a lucrative opportunity. With millions of users across India, Zomato is a leading online food delivery platform that allows restaurants to showcase their menu, accept online orders, and reach a wider audience. However, the registration process may seem daunting if you're new to the platform. That's why we've put together this definitive guide to help you navigate the process of registering as a seller on Zomato in India, step by step. Read on to learn the ins and outs of registering on Zomato.

Step 1: Visit the Registration page on Zomato Website

You can visit the Zomato Website to start your registration journey.

Zomato Registration [Website Screenshot]

Step 2: Select "Register your Restaurant" Option

Click on the "Register your Restaurant" button, and you will be asked to register using your phone number or email.

Step 3: Fill in Your Restaurant Details

Next, you will need to provide some basic details about your restaurant, such as its name, location, type of cuisine, contact number, and email address. Make sure to provide accurate and complete information to ensure a smooth registration process.

Step 4: Submit Required Documents

Zomato requires sellers to submit some documents for verification. These documents may include your restaurant's legal entity name, PAN card, GST registration certificate, FSSAI registration or license, and bank account details. Upload the required documents as per the instructions provided on the registration page. You should also keep a copy of menu and dish images for top 5 items ready.

Step 5: Complete the Verification Process

Once you have submitted all the required documents, Zomato will verify your information and documents. This process may take some time, and Zomato may contact you for additional information or documents if needed. Once your information is verified, you will receive a confirmation from Zomato. Zomato Registration [Website Screenshot]

Step 6: Set Up Your Menu and Pricing

After successful verification, you can log in to your Zomato account and set up your restaurant's menu and pricing. You can add or modify your menu items, set prices, upload food photos, and manage other details related to your restaurant's offerings.

Step 7: Set Up Your Payment and Delivery Options

You can also set up your payment and delivery options on Zomato. You can choose whether you want to offer online payment options, cash on delivery, or both. You can also set your delivery radius, delivery charges, and minimum order amount.

Step 8: Start Receiving Orders

Once your restaurant is live on Zomato, customers will be able to place orders for your food. You will receive orders through the Zomato app or website, and you can manage and fulfill orders as per your restaurant's operations.

Step 9: Review and Improve Your Performance

Zomato provides performance metrics and customer ratings for your restaurant, which can help you track your performance and make improvements. Monitor your ratings, reviews, and feedback, and strive to provide the best possible food and service to customers.


That's it! Following these steps will help you register as a seller on Zomato in India and start selling your restaurant's food online. Keep in mind that Zomato's requirements and processes may change over time, so it's always a good idea to refer to the latest information on the Zomato website or app for the most up-to-date registration process. Good luck with your online food business on Zomato!


  • ZomatoSeller
  • RestaurantRegistration
  • OnlineFoodDelivery
  • IndiaFoodBusiness
  • ZomatoSellingGuide

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